The importance of headings 

How many times have you landed on a page only to be overwhelmed by the amount of copy on it?

Headings are not only a great way of breaking up paragraphs, but also allowing the reader to skim the page for the information they wish to digest, especially if they aren’t committed to reading every last word.

You probably already know headings are a great way of providing structure to a page visually, but they do so much more – here’s why they’re an essential part of any web page.

Headings make your content accessible

We’ve just topped the Sitemorse INDEX for UK Universities and Higher Education for the second successive quarter, so we know just how important website accessibility is. We need to ensure that every page we create or edit meets the same high standards; and right at the top of any page checklist should be headings.

In order to achieve an AA accessibility rating or above you should ensure that “Headings and labels describe topic or purpose” Headings and Labels, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

This is why headings should be treated as labels – they are there to introduce or summarise content below – they should not be unrelated statements or marketing jargon.

“When headings are clear and descriptive, users can find the information they seek more easily, and they can understand the relationships between different parts of the content more easily.” W3C.

This technical structure is particularly important for assistive technologies such as screen readers to read out the structure and provide in-page navigation to the user.

Headings influence your search rankings

The often-forgotten benefit of correctly using headings is that search engines use them to index the structure and content of your web pages; why wouldn’t you go to the effort of adding these correctly in order to improve your search ranking on Google?

Search engines like Google pay the most attention to H1 headings, but they will also look for the other headings within a page. This is why it’s important that your H2s are treated correctly as sub-headings and contain similar keywords to your H1 tag. They should be easily readable, make sense and not be stuffed with keywords, as the likes of Google will recognise this!

What you need to know about headings

Headings go from Heading 1 (H1) all the way down to Heading 6 (H6), the least important heading.

All pages should include an H1 – this is the most important heading on your page and this may often be very similar to the Page title (or in T4 terms, the Section Name) but your heading tag can often be more descriptive and expand on the Page title.

The H1 should give readers an indication of what the page is about and you should always make sure that you only have one Heading 1 on a page, as this will allow the likes of Google to understand the context of your page’s content.

H1 headings should be followed by an H2 and this should be followed by an H3 and so on.

Skipping heading ranks should be avoided as this can be very confusing and if the structure isn’t hierarchical, users of assistive technologies (eg screen readers) may not understand the relationship between the headings.

This means you should make sure that an H2 is not followed directly by an H4, for example. However, you can skip ranks when closing subsections, so a Heading 2 starting a new section can follow a Heading 4 if that closes the previous section.

Finally, remember that headings should be used for headings only – they shouldn’t be used to make text larger or bold and definitely not links!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or book a slot at one of our drop-in sessions which are regularly advertised in Inform. You can do both by emailing

Google Analytics Top Tips

Google Analytics is the de-facto industry tool for tracking your website’s performance against your business metrics. It’s a great way to find out how users are interacting with your website, where you’re attracting them from, and measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Off the back of a couple of questions that I’ve had this week, I’ve thrown together a trio of tips to help you get the most from this brilliant tool.

Tip One: Removing insignificant data:

When you’re filtering a table, sometimes the number of results can be very large, especially if you’ve added a secondary dimension, or you may get results from pages that no longer exist, or are statistically insignificant.

To cut these redundant rows down you can click the “advanced” button next to the filter:
A screenshot of the Google Analytics filter bar

You’ll see the following screen: 

A screenshot of the Google Analytics advanced filter

If you click on “Add a dimension or metric” and choose one of the metrics (which are shown in blue in the list) you can filter out results that don’t meet a certain threshold:

A screenshot of the Google Analytics advanced filter with more rules applied

Here I’m using excluding results where there are fewer than 100 page views.

Tip Two: The Wonderful Pivot Table

Pivot tables are one of the most useful and under-utilised data layouts in Google Analytics. They’re a slightly more difficult concept to understand than a standard table but, once you do understand them, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them.
Let’s say that you want to see which is your most visited page by country. You might be tempted to add “Country” as a secondary dimension of “Page” – while this would get you the results you wanted, it’s not a very elegant solution, and your results would be in an extremely long and difficult-to-interpret table.

Enter the Pivot table.

Pivot tables live within the icon group on the right-hand side above the main data table in most reports:

A screenshot of the Google Analytics table display buttons

Pivot tables allow you to break down one dimension by another – for example, you might want to see most popular pages broken down by country:

A screenshot of the Google Analytics pivot table

As you can see from the above screenshot – I’ve taken the “Pages” report and used the pivot table. The “Pivot by” button in the top left is the key. I’ve set it here to “Country”, and the metric I’m measuring is “Page Views”. I can also add a second metric to this if I desire.

Tip Three: Context Is King

One of the most important things to remember when examining data from Google Analytics is that context is king and understanding the key drivers behind the data is vital. For example, if I want see if there has been an uplift in users from a particular demographic, or for a particular area of the site, it’s important to examine the context of that. Firstly – we are a seasonal business – we have both yearly cycles, and also smaller cycles within the year. Before deciding on what to compare to, take a look at those cycles and ensure you’re running a like-for-like comparison. Take this view, which is number of visits to the site as a whole for the entire year:

A screenshot of a Google Analytics graph showing a year of site interactions

You can see here that there are a number of places where there are fluctuations. There’s a big jump where the new site launched, then there are smaller, weekly, cycles where usage drops off over the weekend. A slump in users around Christmas, and a huge jump around September, so not all periods are equal. If you were looking for an uplift for a specific page based on a marketing campaign, but happened to compare your period to the Christmas slump, you’d see a much larger jump in numbers than might actually be attributable to the campaign.

If I compare page views over a five-day period, and then use “Compare to previous period”, which will compare them to the previous five days, I get the following graph which looks like good news as we’re showing a strong upward trend.

A screenshot of a Google Analytics graph with an incorrect date comparison

However, this is a false positive, because the previous five-day comparison includes a weekend, and as we’ve seen above – user numbers dip during a weekend. If I run the comparison over the same days from the previous week I get a much flatter graph and truer numbers.

A screenshot of a Google Analytics graphs with a date range comparison

This is a contrived example, but it demonstrates the importance of understanding, not just the data itself, but also its wider context.

If you’ve found these tips helpful, and you’re interested in getting to grips with Google Analytics then James from the Marketing Team is running some Google Analytics half-day training courses through the year to give you some serious GA skills. Drop an email to to book a place.